Monday, June 18, 2012

Back in the Air--At Last!

Lesson 4                                                                                                                          
1.1 hours logged
5.4 hours total recorded in logbook

It sure feels good to be back in the air after not flying for several months! I was definitely ready to start again. As it turns out, I almost didn't get to go today. I received a call from CubAir yesterday saying we'd have to cancel the lesson because of the forecast rain and wind today. I was so disappointed but this morning I woke to calm air and sunshine! I was thrilled! Praise the Lord! Soon I was on my way down to Hartford.

The flight lesson went well. As I expected, it was mostly review. I could tell I was a bit rusty on some things but did okay. As usual I was pretty quiet so I'm glad Joe fills what would otherwise be mostly silence. Even in the midst of instruction, he never lets me lose sight of the pure joy of flying. From up there you can see what no one else can. Joe often tells me "you can spy on the neighbors, see what junk people are hiding in their backyards", or just enjoy the beauty of neatly laid out roads and farm fields. It makes you forget a lot of your worries.

I really enjoyed the flight though I still feel I have a ways to go before grasping the correlation between using stick, throttle, and trim to get the airplane to do what you want especially in descents. I guess it'll come eventually. On the ground (and in the air too) I'm learning to be more aggressive on the throttle which really takes some muscle to move--on that particular airplane anyway!

Back on the ground, Joe filled out my logbook (I have almost one page full!), then I paid my respects to the usual crowd of "airport bums" hanging out in the office before heading off to Milwaukee for harp lesson! On the way there, it began to rain. Providentially, I was able to get that last lesson in before it started!

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 4:16

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