Lesson 39
1.0 hours logged
47.3 hours total recorded in logbook
The weather has been really beautiful this week--in the 70's, sunny, clear--it's perfect. The grass has come up thick and green, there are tiny leaves on the small trees and buds about to burst on the hickorys. The tulips budded almost overnight and are now in full bloom. It's beautiful. Beautiful flying weather too.
Preflight complete, we taxied out, this time to Runway 9 on the opposite end from 27. Having completed our pre-takeoff checks and run-up, we had to continue to hold short of the runway for a few minutes. Apparently we were not the only ones who thought it a beautiful day for a flight. We had to wait for two planes to land before we could take the runway. Reminding the controller that we were still holding short of the runway, he cleared us for takeoff. At last we were on our way.
Waiting to take off as a Cessna 150 comes in for a landing. |
Jim flew one landing with me and then let me try. I'm sure I flew the pattern far too fast and was very much behind the plane the entire approach with the consequence that my first landing was a total wreck! Well, not literally. I had made the somewhat bitter discovery that it is possible to make a bad landing in that plane. I was so disappointed in myself! I thought my days of making those kinds of landings were over! How wrong I was. A few more landings were a considerable improvement over that first one but I still had trouble slowing it down in the pattern. It seemed that all I'd have to do was glance away for a second and I'd suddenly be coming up on 100 mph!
Contemplating the day's lesson |
Back at Weeks, Jim again pointed out the progress I'd made in the day's lesson and assured me that I will continue to improve. I hope so. It feels like I've such a long ways to go.
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