Friday, August 28, 2015

Slow Progress

Lesson 43
0.5 hours logged
50.8 hours total recorded in logbook

A somewhat shorter flight early this morning brought my total hours logged to 50.8. Rather discouraging when I'd hoped to have my license by now. I was encouraged, however, by some slight progress in a considerable improvement from the day before.

We stayed in the pattern at OSH this time and made three or four landings and one "bounce-and-go" on Runway 31. With the exception of the latter, they were all fairly good though I still tend to flare a little high. Perhaps the wide runways, low-wing vs. high-wing, and nosewheel vs. tailwheel are contributing factors in this issue but I hope, whatever it is, that I'll soon overcome it.

The somewhat gusty wind along with a bit of spilled oil which came from the engine compartment and lightly spattered the windshield were the main reasons Jim decided to end our lesson earlier than usual. He had my heart in my throat for a few moments though, when he told me to taxi to the fuel pump after only four landings! I was afraid he was going to make me solo! But both he and I know that I'm not quite there yet though I'm getting ever closer. He again complimented me highly on my radio work and I was again thrilled to hear it. Yes, though slow, I am making progress.

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